Friday, April 22, 2011

What's your Community?

Everett Community College is a Community. Everett Community College is a great place to work for, not only because of it's values, but of what we stand for. We stand for integrity, understanding, intellectual, support, guidance, and education. We are able to make a difference in people's lives that is very rewarding to all of us who work here.

All of us are here to support the students. To guide them to a higher level of education, and to increase their knowledge and growth. It is very refreshing and rewarding to be able to make a difference in each of the student's lives. Being able to see how they have accomplished their goal with us, so when they go onto another and bigger opportunity to grow.

We all have a commitment to our students, to encourage them to keep going forward. Everyone of these examples represents our community support in its broadest sense, because it describes the public services that we are committed to all of our students.

Another way of our commitment to our students is through communication, we try and reach out to each and everyone of the through letters, email, phone calls, facebook, twitter, and Utube. It is our purpose to serve each and every one of them.

I like being part of this community group because, first I was a student myself and I had guidance throughout the time I spent there, then I was a helper in guiding the students to obtain the classes they would need to further their education, then I became a worker and have been a worker, helper, and student for several years now.

I have worked at the college for the last 27 years, and a helper to move the students along their journey so that they can further their education, and I am also a student wanting to gain more knowledge in my own education. I also have a goal to reach, and this is why Everett Community College is a community, we stand together as one.

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